Monday, December 1, 2008

26/11/08 Terror in Mumbai.....Enough is Enough !!!

My heart goes to all those who perished in this act of terrorism. The govt keeps calling this n other recent blasts as - 'nothing unusual'. Lets show them something unusual. What the hell are we waiting for?ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!! I think its time to react now.Bloody terrorists need to be erased from the face of the earth.
We mumbaikars are angry and frustrated now.Lets all come together now and ask our government for our live fearlessly.

We, the people of 'Democratic India' ask the govt. elected by us to serve us - to step down and initiate a fresh vote. Present govt is impotent.The whole world is reeling from the shock of the attacks in Mumbai.These attacks were aimed at our people, our prosperity and our peace. But their top target was something else: our unity.If these attacks cause us to turn on each other in hatred and conflict, the terrorists will have won. They know that hatred and chaos feeds on division. They also know that as radical extremists, their only hope of disrupting society as a whole is turning the rest of us against each other.
Why don't the Indian Government launch a war against Pakistanfrom face of earth.This situation happened because Pakistan is going under deep financial burden and on the other hand India is growing.

I bow my head in sadness and hold my head high with pride in memory of those brave officials who sacrificed their lives for the safety of their country.

"Bhaarat humko jaan se pyaara hai........"

This terrorist attack could have been avoided if we had better governance systems in place. Emotions arent enough, we need to act. Lighting candles is not the solution. Immediate GOVERNANCE REFORMS is.
"Lets all fight against terrorism.....we want's a human right....GOD has given us life and only HE can take it from us."

HOPE this is the last of its kind the world.Some real actions must be taken.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"How To Ignore Rude Comments"

Hi All
Greeti ngs of the day.

The people who live in this world differ on a number of factors, right from their nationality, race and religion to their nature and temperament. In fact, the latter two differences are much more enhanced than the former. You will hardly find two people who have exactly same personality, though there might be some major similarities. Amidst the different types of people, there is one particular category that comprises of discourteous and insensitive people. They don't have the slightest idea on how to make polite conversation and often end up hurting the people around, by their rude comments. In the following, we will tell you how to handle rude comments.

How To Ignore Rude Comments :

(1)Believe in yourself. Never ever let the rude comments of others belittle you or make you feel inferior. You know what you are and what you are not, so don't let other people's opinions affect you.
(2)Almost all the people who say rude things to others are suffering from inferiority complex. They are only trying to hide their own insecurity behind the rudeness. Remember this always!
(3)When somebody behaves rudely with you, don't reply back. React as if you didn't even hear his/her comment or it makes no difference to you what he/she thinks. This would make the person shut up.
(4)Never ever try to justify yourself. A person who wants to hear your side of the story will come and talk to you, not pass rude comments. If he/she resorts to comments, nothing you say will make a different, so don't even try.
(5)Stay away from such people as far as possible. If it is not possible to avoid them altogether, just greet them politely and go your away.
(6)If things become worst, answer them back politely. People pass rude comments to make you angry and get an agitated response. If they don't get that, they will slowly start backing away.

Warm Regards,


Friday, October 3, 2008

Natural disasters

The disaster of Bihar was not just a flood,but a serious natural calamity of changing of path of a river.This calamity has caused 40 lakh people displaced and homelessfor two years,untiluntil the dam is repaired.It becomes our responsiblity to help them and show our humanitytoward other human beings.Indians are the symbol of love,affectionand humanity all over the world.We laugh and enjoy all over the world when our cricket team wins,we celebratelike festivals when Olympic Medal is won.We salute our soldires with an aching hreat and wet eyesthat they die for us.We cry for the people who even don't know our names,neither do we know them except their names.But still we pray for them.Just because we are Indians.Once again lets prove ourselves in front of the whole world that inspite of so many political fightsacross the country WE ARE ONE.We have to prove prove ourselves we as humans are closest to God. To prove this Dr. Choksi is a good example for all of us friends.
Without fearing of his own life Dr.Choksi went thereto save thousands of lives.He went at the time when no body was ready to go there.Even the army people people feared to go there.But he dared and showed courage.I personely want to congratulate him for his Great deed.
Dr.Choksi and his team encountered all kinds of difficulties,wether it was getting from Patna to the interiorsof Bihar,total lack of any government help,villagers with guns,no place to stay,and constant fear of contracting infections.But they still went on,persuadedthe army people to take them to the worst affected villagesand worked for hours at a stretch,to help as many people as possible,quite often going without food for the whole day.Dr.Choksi performed many minor surjuriesin the most difficlt curcumstances.For all this Dr.Choksi and his teamand all others like him desrve all the appreciation and credit May the youth of today be inspired by such fine examples of selfless service,dedicationand empathy."WE ALL SALUTE YOU SIR.MAY GOD BLESS YOU." JAI HIND.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 4


SHUBH NAVRATRI "Maa ki jyoti se noor milta hai, sabke dilo ko shurur milta hai, jo bhi jatahai MAA ke dwar , kuch na kuch jarur milta hai. " SHUBH NAVRATRI


'Nav' means 'nine' and 'ratri' means 'night', thus, 'Navratri' means 'nine nights'. There are many legends attached to the conception of Navratri like all Indian festivals but all of them are related to Goddess Shakti (Hindu Mother Goddess) and her various forms.

Though it is one of the most celebrated festivals of Hindu calendar, it holds special significance for Gujratis and Bengalis and one can see it in the zeal and fervor of the people with which they indulge in the festive activities of the season.

The first three days of Navratri are dedicated to Goddess Durga (Warrior Goddess) dressed in red and mounted on a lion, next three to Goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity) dressed in gold and mounted on an owl and finally, last three to Goddess Saraswati (Goddess Of Knowledge) dressed in milky white and mounted on a pure white swan.

Dandiya and Garba Rass are the highlights of the festival in Gujarat while farmer sow seeds and thank the Goddess for her blessings and pray for better yield. In olden times, this festival was associated with the fertility of Mother Earth who feed us as her children. Sweetmeats are prepared for the celebrations and children and adults dress up in new bright-colored dresses for the night performances.

With commercialization, the festival has moved on to be a social festival rather than a religious or agrarian festival. In some communities people undergo rigorous fasts during this season that lasts for the nine days of the festival, only to be opened on the tenth day of Dussehra. However, nothing dampens the spirit of the devout followers of Mother Goddess as they sing devotional songs and indulge in the gaieties of the season

Today is first NAVRATRA.

Today is first NAVRATRA. May GOD DURGA give prosperous to you and to yourfamily.May her blessings be always with you."JAI MATA DI"

JAI MAYA DI to all my readers,

Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 3

Hi All,
Greetings of The Day.

Today lets discuss some tips regarding how to help environment. You need not put any extra effort. Just by remembering some small things, you can play a big role in preserving environment.
Never waste water. Turn off the tap when you are not using water. Use the water once used to wash vegetables or salad to water your houseplants. Don't leave fridge doors open for longer than required. It would help save energy. Turn off electrical and electronic equipments when they are not in use. You could thus save power. Use rechargeable batteries and recycle your paper, glass, plastics and other waste. Set up a system of collecting rainwater and using it later

Use plastic as little as possible. Take pains to carry your own bags to the shops for taking back your shopping. Prefer organically grown fruits, vegetables, cotton clothing, and hemp-fiber products. Avoid supporting the plastic and glass bottles which play a big role in creating mountains of rubbish. Opt for biodegradable cleaning products which have no negative effect. Try to buy energy-efficient household appliances.

Stop using chemical pesticides and use natural products. Use plants that repel insects in place of chemical products. Mix neem oil with garlic oil. Spray it on tree trunks and diseased plants and shrubs. It would destroy bacteria and fungus. Use organic compost to improve soil health. You can make your own compost with grass clippings and vegetable scraps from the house. Avoid using electrical equipment in the garden unnecessarily.

Support tour operators who shape their itinerary with environment in mind. Visit parks and nature reserves. This could lead to protection of additional nature. Don't disturb wild creatures while in the park. Enjoy wildlife but from a distance. Reduce car use and use public mediums of transport. Choose hotels with an effective waste treatment system. Say no to products made of animal hides and body parts.


Warm Regards to all my Readers,

Day 2

Hi All,
Greetings Ot The Day.


Entertainment and Happiness knows no boundaries. My mission is to touch the heart and soul of people the world seems to have forgotten, to spread invaluable moments of happiness and make a sustainable impact to brighten up the lives of the senior citizens.

It takes one moment to make a difference, One smile, one helping hand and one single positive thought, It is always small drops of water that fill the ocean. So help me fill this vast ocean.

It is my belief that the satisfaction one gets in touching lives even if in a small way is unique.
For me to be successful, I need your help. You could help me being a member of my blog or just a well wisher. Our endeavor is to JOIN HANDS AND REACH TO MILLIONS WHO WE CAN INFLUENCE........HOPE ONE DAY WE WILL CHANGE THIS WORLD.

Warm Regards To All My Readers,

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Most memorable day of my life

Every now and then we keep on wondering how can things around be improved and how can i contribute. Well I got one such chance in my life when my friend Hardeep told me that she often visits an orphanage and invited me to come.It was really very difficult for me to cancel my movie plan and go there with meet them....but i can really say that one day changed my entire life.......I learned how to get happiness from the smallest things .There have been lots of touching moments… You see parents whose children have left them to live alone.. by to kids whose parents don't wanna own them…and then we have those old people loving us as there own kids… hugging us and kissing us… and those kids care a damn about anything… all they wanna do is live life to the fullest… it has made me realise one thing that wether u’re rich or no… wether you look good or no… wether you go to the most amazin places around or no…does not really matter… what matters is how happy you are…there is so much that day has given me… so many beautiful moments…my bestest frns… n lots more… but i think i should stop before I start sounding too filmy.
And Friends I promised myself that I will be a part of NGO.


Warm Regards to all my readers,

My First Day on the Blog

Dear All,
Greetings Of The Day.
This is Neha here.I have today opened my blog with a HOPE that together we can make a difference and I have a strong belief that our dreams can come true.
Warm Regards to all my readers.....