Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Women in India after 60 yrs of our Independence .

It's time to wake up, to say stop aggressive violence against women, to invite gentle men and tell them that woman is like a flower. If you look after it, it will grow and the result is a beautiful and sweet-smellig flower. Woman is like it, she needs protection and respect.Why not to repect them since it is the key of success in this life.violence against women means crime against humanity.Men who beat women or abuse children should have all rights stripped from them.There should be a zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. Sad thing is society is still mostly driven by men. Until that changes the fight for equality will continue.women are so scared that if they ever tell anyone the abuser will hurt her or even worse, kill her. or because they have no money and they'd rather sleep in an abusive home than be out in the streets. or because her children or other family members are threatened.i think this is a great way to make people aware of situations as severe and affecting as this one .. even if some of us know about the horrors of such acts, no one is ready to come forward and do something to solve it. No matter what country this is happening in, humans fall under the law of nature and humanity before even the government comes in; so why are women treated worse than we would treat our pets ?? As polina pointed out earlier, if women are the creaters of life and humankinds' only source towards advancing their species, doesn't that make them worthy of something better than physical and sexual abuse and most of all, worthy of living in a socially acceptable world which values their contributions as mothers, daughters, wives, teachers, nobel prize winners (rosalind franklin, marie curie) , social helpers (Mother Teresa), and many such roles which have helped humans advance from early civilizations to today's high-tech and advanced world ???

i think this opens a lot of eyes for people..because women old young should come together to support this cause. For a brighter future both race should be free. free to live and love and enjoy life. Free to feel safe in thier homes, and not to live in constant fear. Men have to realize and be thankful for women. Women give birth, give life, they nurish young. Women shoul dbe respected. The world has to open thier eyes, stop sleeping in an imaginary world..because in reality people around the globe are suffering! and if we all ignore no changes will be done. we have to raise this. COme together in thought and action and change others views. We are all one soul that should help each other. everyone deserves happiness.

Best Regards to all .

slumdog millionaire

Well I liked the movie,for the way it didn’t shy away from the truth.As to why other country’s don’t allow their under belly to be shown,one thing the movie makers might be shot or quartered or whatever…I think more than patriots politicians should have a problem,where is the development they promised?What’s puzzling is people suddenly objecting to the image of India that is portrayed. What’s with that? It is, a very realistic image of at least a part of India, and what are other Bollywood films about? Skimpily clad women dancing in the freezing snow and green hills - is that representative of India? I’m not sure I’d call it a love story as such. There is that romance angle, yes - and the reason he enters the competition is so his love finds him. But even then, I’d say the storyline is more about serendipity, and about Jamal’s life - which just happens to be one of poverty. His love happens to be just one aspect of his life, as does his brother, his polar opposite in almost every way. It’s wonderful how it’s all woven together into a very telling narrative.

We must not be so emotional that a firang has sneaked deep inside our garbage but the fault is ours who nurtured so long the filth around our lovely homes.well said. But why our gentlemen doesnot do something to remove the dirt than preferring to sweep under the carpet.

About people objecting to it, I think it is more to do with the shame they feel rather than anything else. In any case a movie director should have the freedom to depict whatever he wants, he has to tell it as he sees it. That is honesty. I think this film is an honest one in that sense.

Warm Regards to all my readers.